Today is...different, my Fibro pain is usually very familiar, deep muscle pain which burns when i move my arms, legs, neck etc, for the past 5 years it has always been just that, among other things ( I will write my symptoms in a separate post).
I get flare ups mostly in Winter, it is when my pain really floors me. This Summer so far has been, how do i put it...Interesting! I am in the UK, apart from having a warm week it has also been very humid. I had no idea that the humidity can affect Chronic pain conditions as well as it can in the colder months, it has never affected me...up until now!
This weeks 'new' pain, like i mentioned my usual pain is an aching, burning pain, this week my muscles, EVERY muscle sorry, has felt bruised and hot inside, i cant lift my arms up, move my shoulders, my bum cheeks hurt (that's a very new one!), down the side of my hips, my legs including my shins and i cant even raise my toes as it hurts the front part of my ankle.....eurghhh is the word which is favorable for everything today ha ha.
My body: " Happy Wednesday! If you are thinking of moving your neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, hips, legs, feet and to not have a head ache, then i shall advise you to come back on Thursday!"

Overall, its been a bad day, but iv'e fought through it! I have totally accepted i will have these conditions for life, and ill have some bad days and not so bad days, maybe the odd good day thrown in for a bit of optimism! Days like today b
ecome more bearable by having so many interests to keep my mind focused on something other than pain, this week it has been my family tree. After 4 years i have become a whizz at Census snooping and record finding, it doesn't half pass the time!!
In my next post i will be sharing my very own, personal, symptoms. I like reading what other people are battling with and when i see something i relate to i don't feel as alone in this! So i hope it does help you guys!
If you've enjoyed this post and would like to post any of your own coping techniques of a flare up which may help myself or other readers, please feel free id be very grateful :) xx
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