Thursday 2 July 2015

My Fibromyalgia symptoms

So, i recently saw a Doctor in the Pain clinic, he was so lovely even though i was useless due to brain fog and my emotions being all over the place...i'm very sure after i left he got some whisky out of the drawer with a shot glass but proceeded to drink straight from the bottle, but i cant speculate.

Before i went to the appointment i bought a notebook to write everything in, which is why writing this list will be a lot easier than doing it from the top of my head! In the book its 4 pages long so hopefully it wont seem so long on here...if it is i apologize and i give permission for you to grab the whisky out ;) .

  • All over pain/ muscle pain.
         Deep aching, dull, throbbing in my legs, arms, shoulders, back, neck and feet.
         Pain after being active and the day after, when the weather changes, temperature drops or bad              weather after it being OK, the pain can also flare with no warning that i know of, my newest                trigger is humidity after 5 years of pain.

  Pain all day but manageable, the above triggers worsen it which is my flare, these can last between a day to a few weeks, i take Co-codamol x2 30/500 maximum 4x a day, Sometimes i alternate it with Tramadol 50mg for a next dose when my pain is bad  as im taking Co-codamol more frequent, it stops working as good! When this happens the Co-codamol does not last, the maximum it lasts is 2 hours after taking it, but it takes 1 hour to start working so i only get 1 hour relief,

  • Temperature changes.
      I wear thermals in colder weather, i use Tubi grip bandages on my wrists and ankles and on my lower legs for calf muscle pain, The pain i get get in my ankles, wrists and knees are a sprained feeling, like it cant hold any of my weight, this causes me to struggle walking when iv'e either got out of bed of from being sat down.

  • Stiffness.
      In the morning, getting out of bed causes me to stumble a bit due to stiffness in my legs and the sprained feeling in my ankles, that my feet cant hold my body weight. This also occurs after sitting.

  • Tiredness and fatigue.
      This occurs through the day, whole body tiredness where i just feel exhausted, not being able to make decisions and being quite hazy. I don't wake up refreshed.

  • sleep problems.
      Mostly due to the pain, i take Amitriptilyn 25mg at night which has recently been helping me fall to sleep but sleep is still broken, i had it upped to 35mg to help with anxiety but as we have found out anything over 25mg causes me to wake up with a headache. The problem with this happening is that i cannot take Tramadol or Codeine with a headache or it turns it into a full blown migraine, so i have to take Ibuprofen or/and Paracetamol  until my headache has subsided which i cannot keep dealing with as i have young children and need to be able to be mobile for them. Also Tramadol affects my sleep if taken after 5pm.

  • Anxiety and Depession.
      I am currently having CBT, i have only started suffering since my Thyroidectomy in 2011 where the operation didn't go to plan and i woke up with very low calcium levels and it is now a lifelong illness....along with Fibromyalgia and this extra condition it has become a bit to much on my shoulders where i now have low moods a lot and anxiety.

  • Skin pain.
      Sometimes flares up without a trigger, feels sensitive to touch like its burned or raw, this unables me to wear certain clothing when it happens as it feels like its scratching and taking a layer of skin off!

  • Things i have tried or what i do.
      I wear thermal leggings and tops with temperature changes, i use rice packs heated up for my neck, shoulders, behind my knees, inner elbows and legs. I have also bought heat pads for these areas too and wear them under my thermal leggings or normal leggings when i'm on the go. I use muscle rubs and wear Ugg boots the majority of the time, possibly 10 months of the year!
      In the past i have tried dietary changes, dairy free ( difficult with Hypocalcemia), gluten free, cutting down on sugars, diets which contain only fresh Organic food.

  • Medication
  • Thyroxine
  • Amitriptilyn
  • Calcium Carbonate
  • Vitamin D, Rocaltrol
  • Tramadol
  • Codeine
  • Paracetamol
  • Diclophenac

What strategies do you have which gets you through them painful days? What would you recommend doing which may help myself or other readers? Please let us know in the comment box below :) xx

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