Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Learning to pace myself

Last week i got given a diary sheet to fill out from my CBT appointment. HOLY MOLEY! Did i realise how much wandering about i do? I'm not sure if its just me being stubborn or my brain fog choosing what it wants to remember or forget of my daily life, to have this frosted glass effect on where i'm going wrong.

For example: Day 1 - Monday.

Got up. Had my Gabapentin, 60mg Codeine, 1000mg Paracetamol, 800mg Ibuprofen. Got the kids ready for school. Lunches packed. School run done.....Walked to my grandparents (which i didn't realise until my therepist told me -one way is 3 miles!)

So i sat down at my grandparents for a few hours. Had more meds. WALKED BACK HOME! Did the shopping. Picked the kids up. Got home at 4pm.

                     Day 2 - Tuesday :
                     USELESS. I had to cancel my sons rugby practice as i couldn't get him there

                     Day 3 - Wednesday
                     USELESS. I had to cancel my hospital blood test and rearrange it.

It does suck not being able to do these things for myself, i love walking places, i love exploring and following my interests everywhere, but i need to lose this stubbornness! Due to this walk i lost 2 whole days!

Pace myself!

Drugs are bad, they numb you so you don't feel things and don't feel the damage you are doing, but they help you as well, to get you through the day..

I cannot go for long walks to the shops or on holidays or to castles, some people can, everyone's limits are different. I am lucky in a sense that im not bed/house bound, but i am only 28 and i'm still fairly young and i hope it doesn't get worse as this is not fun for anybody with me......this is why i push people away.

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